Future spaceships and spacecraft will be nothing like the old Apollo or Soyuz vehicles that took astronauts and cosmonauts to places no man has ever gone before. The pictures, photos, images and future design of the spaceships and spacecraft on this page will show you this.
Future spaceships and spacecraft will be used for tourism, exploration, military and scientific ventures. Just like today’s cars, boats and airplanes, future spacecraft will also come in a myriad of designs where form and function meet along with the technology that propels us everywhere in the solar system we’ll need to go.
The pictures of future spaceships show how scientists and engineers are now designing vehicles to propel us into Low Earth Orbit (LEO), to the Moon, to Mars and beyond. Future space hotels (and other dwellings) in orbit and colonizing the Moon and other planets will also be necessary for our future ventures into space.
Space Tourism
Space tourism as envisioned by Virgin Galactic and Sir Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Airlines plus a company called Scaled Composites shows (pictured above) the VSS Enterprise flying into LEO and giving its passengers a few minutes of weightlessness and an overwhelming look at the curvature of the Earth.
Space Hotel
Future space hotels (such as this concept from Galactic Suite) will accommodate tourists, scientists, government workers and business people all with different positive interests in expanding the world of land and water in which we all live.
Ark 1
Ark 1 from the Lifeboat Foundation is supposed to be a self-sustaining space colony that is meant to keep the human race alive in the event of a global disaster such as nuclear war or major asteroid strike. To debunk the rumors, however, there will not be room to bring animals 2 by 2 onboard. 🙂
Plasma Rocket
Plasma propellant engines, cold fusion rockets or another transformative, disruptive technological form of energy that may not yet be on the scientific drawing boards will propel future spaceships into the outer reaches of the solar system. Pictured above is a NASA VASIMR (Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket).
Mars Spaceplane
This Mars spaceplane picture shows what the future will behold for us as space travel advances from the Moon and space hotels to the farther reaches of the solar system.
Earth Rise
But, no matter how far we venture out into the universe, there will always be an awesome Earth rise awaiting us back home. And this will make ventures into space worth it in the end.
For more information on future space travel and missions see what else there is to learn just by poking around this place.
Credits: Virgin Galactic, Lifeboat Foundation, Galactic Suite, NASA
3 Responses to “Future Spaceships and Spacecraft Pictures”
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The Ark 1? Very nice! The Ark 1 sports 4 centrifuges to provide gravity of sorts; do I have that right?
I think those concept designs is where we should be today.Mans destiny is the stars ,it is the final frontier.We would be back on the moon and beyond if the last the three presidents hadn’t scaled the space program down.If John F Kenndy had lived we would be there now.Clinton killed the budget for the space station and Obama sacked the shuttle.Maybe after World war three will wake up and the adventure will begin.Thanks for the look ahead
When people ask you, “Where are you from?” I say “I am from Mars”.Now people don’t beleive me but in 200 years that phrase will be believable.