Future Computers
Future computers are on the forefront of becoming mainstream. If you think computing is all about silicon chips and bandwidth then you may want to think again in a few years as this will be irrelevant.
Future quantum computers will make today’s desktops and laptops seem like wooden pegs and balls attached to sticks by strings. In the near future, computers will use nanotechnology to shrink the size of silicon chips, increasing speed and power with parallel processing.

Future Computers
But, this can go on only so long before we hit a wall. In will step the quantum future computers that are not based upon digital 1’s and 0’s. Instead these future computers are based upon qubits (quantum bits). The power of magnetic forces at a subatomic scale will unleash the exponential power of future computers.
Scientists and researchers have always dreamed of artificial intelligence and computational neural networks and in the near future this will be so. Right now, there is a limitation that silicon chips provide that will be overcome with the use of quantum mechanics in computing.
By manipulating the rotation of atoms, data can be transmitted and stored at an unprecedented rate. Qubits and kets are what future computers will be measured in not gigabits or terabytes. Currently there is not enough computational power to pull off true artificial intelligence. There is also not enough computational power to decrypt complicated encryption methodologies.
But, with the exponential power of future quantum computers aided by nanotechnology and artificial intelligence there will be. Future computers will no longer have RAM or DRAM but rather MRAM (Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory) which is a present reality.
In today’s world, disabled people are being trained to work computers using only their minds. When DARPA meets Sony and the brain-computer barriers come tumbling down, everyone will be able to command computers, robots, bionics and other quantum based electronics using only our minds. Future computers will interact with us on a neural level.
With the help of the qubit and the qubyte that can process 0’s and 1’s simultaneously in a process known as superposition, processing power will increase exponentially. Today’s gigaflops will be replaced by tomorrow’s teraflops, petaflops, exaflops all the way to lumaflops and beyond to words that haven’t even been created yet.
Future computers will allow us to communicate with others from a distance just by thinking. Researchers at IBM, UC Santa Barbara, Yale, Sony and many other companies are working on this now. Did I also mention DARPA is working on this?
Now, this may be scary for some people to know that the military is working on the next generation of future computers which could cause a doomsday scenario among the Super Powers. Or that countries that are not currently Super Power could be by developing quantum computers for the military that become the bullies of the world.
But, there is a more likely scenario. And this scenario is that with the advent of future computers the world will become a more democratic place. We are already seeing the revolts in the Middle East and Far East because of the Internet and Social Media.
Future Computing
As communication lines are opened up and data is spread lightning fast, the barriers between upper class and lower and middle classes start falling. Dictators who restrict communications cannot stop future technology from rising and people across the world from using new technology.
Because of the properties of quantum entanglement, communications around the world will become instantaneous and without geopolitical boundaries. Coups and revolts will be settled quickly as problems will be resolved with instantaneous communication globally.
Future computers will aid in space travel, communications, medical technology and practically every level of our day to day lives. And this future is not as far away as you may now think.
If you want the latest and greatest updates and news about future computers then why not see what we are saying on our blog?
Credits: Delft University of Technology, Yale, UC Santa Barbara, DARPA
External Links:
Computer phase change memory breakthrough from IBM – http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/34949.wss
Thank you for the post about future computers. Generally, I can say that it is a a good article with predictions similar to my own. The info got me imagining what computers will look like 5 and 10 years from now. Amazing!
I agree with the article in which says DARPA is working on computers which are no less than a decade ahead of the fastest computers we utilize at this present time. The interesting part in this article is that it doesn’t mention those who are really behind the scenes creating this new technology which government programs take the credit for even though they didn’t fit the bill or discover the product. They do what they do best . . . John 10:10 like a that of a Lion.
This is my first time i visit here. I found so many entertaining stuff about future computers. Do you think quantum computing will really take off soon or is it still 50 years away.
Super jazzed about getting that know-how. One day I will rule the world. Me and Stewie Griffin from Family Guy of course.
i think ur description is great. when can i get a new supercomputer at best buy?
At last, somenoe comes up with the “right” answer! I want to challenge one of these future supercomputers to a chess match. I bet me, Bobby Fisher and Stephen Hawking can beat it. Ha ha ha!
thats quite scary to know tht the old computer im on now will have gone in to one of those things 😀
This sentence is incorrect: “We are already seeing the revolts in the Middle East and Far East because of the Internet and Social Media.”. The Middle East majority populations are not clamoring for civil rights BECAUSE of Internet and Smedia! They are clamoring for civil rights because they are becoming more educated about their rights and BECAUSE they are greatly oppressed. The US talks democracy for the Middle East while actually doing everything possible to maintain the status quo on which the Petro-Dollar system is built. The INternet and Smedia are merely tools of communication not a cause of Middle East people striving for greater opportunity and freedom from the Petro-Dollar system that in its current form maintains Monarchs, Dictators and Oligarchies in control of the Middle East. Sincerely, Dana
I guess I should have chosen my words better and said something like “… aided by the Internet and social media.”
Thats just great knowing how the future world due to the improved computer technology will seem like some thing from a science fiction movie. i never in my wildest dreams imagined that the world will advance to such a level, i just cant wait for the future to become reality in a world of unlimited possibilities.
I wonder what geopolitical influences could be slipped into programming to attempt to persuade the masses to vote for certain political figures or to commit certain crimes based on remote mindhacking. I also wonder what protections these new technologies have against remote anonymous mindhacking, eavesdropping, influence, and hijacking. These technologies open up a whole new level of advancements as well as a whole new level of possibilities for exploitation and privacy invasion. I do not intend to allow any outside entity to browse my mind; memories, experiences, thoughts, likes, dislikes, tastes, or anything else private. If people hacked into another person’s private memories, they could easily “playback” the sensory data and “experience” what it is like to have sex as if they were you at the time you did, and with a 3D rendered simulation of who you had sex with. I would not want anyone else to browse my personal memories or try to blackmail me by holding my memories or even my body functions hostage for ransom. I would not want to be the victim of thought duplication where some stranger steals a copy of my personal experiences, including memories of reading my own banking information and passcodes. There needs to be special precautions and protections implemented before introducing this technology to the general public. Sure, there could be easy access to medical information during an emergency, but what if a disgruntled co-worker decided to exploit that easily accessed information and slip you penicillin if they knew you were severely allergic? Information management is up to the end-user, and I think people deserve a minimum privacy standard for all technological advancements. I am only listing a few examples of how technologies could be exploited in the future with cerebral implants.
The technological age is fifty years ahead of what is found in the market place. The private industry which funds most the government agencies are at the control base of these types of technologies that control not just our society, but the global markets as well. A handful of men and women sit in a undisclosed room each day to make the most critical decisions which will effect over 7 billion people the next day.
Our role in this technological age is to continue:
1. Support those we love
2. Gain new knowledge each day
3. Act when necessary to protect the country and people we love
4. Understand Good and Evil Men and Women sit in that Room
5. Influence the Good Ones before the Evil One’s or One decides to take Global Control
This isn’t any type of role playing in my mind as it its Reality. The question now is what are you going to do with the knowledge which has been passed down to you who have read this post. Are you going to ignore it or do something about it?
I think we all know the truth! But no one persons will accept it.
It,s a post RELATIVITY CONCEPT to countdown a robustic quantum computation skill to promotion the science community
“Future computers will allow us to communicate with others from a distance just by thinking.” I’m intrigue by this one. Especially that DARPA is involve i will not be surprised if there is some prototypes that are being tested as we speak. 🙂