Future of Heart Medicine

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Jun 182013

Not only are medical nanobots the future of medicine but according to one video they will be communicating with your smartphone and your physician’s as well. Why is this important, well for one reason, tiny medical nanobots will be able to predict oncoming heart attacks among other conditions.

Check out the video


In other futuristic heart news, two doctors have now replaced a beating human heart with a continue flow device. It’s been thought for eons that a heart has to beat in order for the body to function well. The doctors in this video have turned that belief on its ear.


And if you’re looking for a cool 3D heart app that physicians are now using check this out.



Virtual Reality to Help Parkinson’s Patients

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Apr 112012

Half of all Parkinson’s Disease patients suffer from a condition called freeze of gait (FOG). This feeling of being stuck to the floor happens mostly when patients are walking through narrow places like doorways.

According to India.com, “Researchers may have hit upon a new way of helping Parkinson’s victims who face difficulty in walking. They are hoping to use a simulated virtual reality environment to help patients suffering from the phenomenon known as ‘freezing of gait’ (FOG). FOG affects over half of all Parkinson’s patients, and is commonly triggered by having to walk through narrow doorways.”

Now, researchers at the Brain and Mind Research Institute (BMRI), University of Sydney, Australia are helping patients to train their brains using a virtual environment. This new virtual reality is filled with halls and doorways that patients must navigate.

This kind of virtual physical therapy may help patients avoid medications or surgery that come with their own inherent risks.

Individual Genome Testing Could Fall to Less than $1,000

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Mar 082012

The New York Times is reporting that individualized human genome testing could in the near future fall to less than $1,000. Dozens of Silicon Valley firms are now in a race to make this happen.

According to the NY Times, “The promise is that low-cost gene sequencing will lead to a new era of personalized medicine, yielding new approaches for treating cancers and other serious diseases. The arrival of such cures has been glacial, however, although the human genome was originally sequenced more than a decade ago.

“Now that is changing, in large part because of the same semiconductor industry manufacturing trends that opened up consumer devices like the PC and the smartphone: exponential increases in processing power and transistor density are accompanied by costs that fall at an accelerating rate.”

This future medical technology that will soon appear less than 5 years from now opens up both positive and negative implications. On the positive side are personalized medicine, nanorobots for surgery and other person-specific treatments.

On the flipside, however are the negative implications in which Ezra Klein points out in his Washington Post article. According to Klein, “In 2008, Congress overwhelmingly passed, and President George W. Bush signed, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Ron Paul was the lone dissenter. The legislation bars insurers from denying coverage or raising premiums on individuals who show a genetic predisposition toward particular diseases. And in doing, it armed a time bomb beneath the health-care industry.”

So, what this means is that while doctors and surgeons are providing us higher levels of medical treatment, the insurance companies and corporations could be using the data to discriminate against individuals with pre-existing conditions or worse the mathematical potential to have certain ailments based upon these genome tests.

What do you think – is the glass half empty or half full on this one?