Advances in Lab Grown Organs

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Feb 052021

Lab Grown Liver

For years, the discussion over the development of synthetic, lab-grown organs has been a major talking point. Many see it as a controversial subject, with dubious ethical leanings and understandings. Others, though, see the process of lab grown organs as an essential part of making sure we can give everyone the help that they need. Instead of waiting precarious months for that ideal kidney, lab grown organs would mean that we could get someone the organ they need. However, advancement in the process has been a slow-burning development.

The University of Pittsburgh, though, has been working on a process to help make sure that lab-grown livers could be created. They have been using machine learning and synthetic biology in combination with one another to try and find the ideal solution to the creation of entirely safe lab-developed livers. This useful combination has allowed the research team to start utilising algorithms from machine learning with synthetic biology. The aim is to help speed up the process along, creating a human liver with real blood and bile management systems.

So far, though, the process is still very much in the development phase. The testing in mice, though, did show that when mice with failing or failed livers were given the lab grown alternative that their lifespan was increased. While it cannot be said for certain that it works without qualification, there is already a clear interest in the use of lab grown organs.

The aim is simple – find a way to avoid having to wait on the loss of another human life to save an ailing life. With lab-grown organs, that could become a reality in the future. Testing, though, is going to be a long-term process; even with the progress made, real-life usage is still some way off.

Are lab grown organs a realistic proposition?

It certainly appears to be the case. Indeed, the synthetic biology and machine learning combination in Pittsburgh has produced some of the most positive, promising results seen in some time. The hope is that they can continue to grow and get better over time, and that the process can continue to develop to the right standard without any complications or delays.

If lab grown organs has become a talking point that you find concerning, then the progress being made in Pittsburgh might assuage some fears. You should absolutely take a closer look at lab grown organ processes being developed, though, as the progress being made in Pittsburgh is the most promising news in some time.

In an industry that is constantly being watched to see when authentic and safe lab-grown organs could become a reality, it is exciting to see such rapid progress. Should the university be able to continue along this line of thought, we could see some more development in 2021.

As one of the most in-demand parts of the synthetic medical industry, lab-grown organs would be a genuine game-changer. Although still in the earliest of phases of development, the promising discoveries made by the Pittsburgh research time are very exciting indeed.



 Posted by at 3:20 pm

3D Tumor Model for Ovarian Cancer Treatment

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Nov 062020

Ovarian Cancer

Cancer is, without doubt, the single most challenging enemy in modern healthcare. It demands resources and treatments that simply do not exist yet; meaning many lives are ended prematurely due to the development of this horrific illness. However, the use of two-dimensional (2D) culture models has always limited the ability to really develop the complex information needed to finally take on and defeat cancer once and for all. The development of multi-cellular 3D models, though, might help us to understand the tumors and their impacts more than ever.

As part of a new study released by the Queen Mary University London shows that this new 3D development could be essential in the development of treatments. The micro-environment developed shows the way that the tumor cells are grown in an ovarian cancer, in particular, and how it also responds to the drugs used in chemotherapy treatments.

Thanks to the work carried out in their study, “Peptide-protein co-assembling matrices as a biomimetic 3D model of ovarian cancer,”, we now know more about this process than ever before. The process is being managed by Alvaro Mata, PhD, a professor at the University of Nottingham’s School of Pharmacy.

So far, they have found that 90% of successful cancer treatments which are tested will pre-clinically fail in the early phases of a clinical trial. Just 5% of oncology drugs will be successful in a clinical trial, also. This comes down to various reasons, but one key reason given is that 2D cell cultures cannot replicate the various cross-communication taking place among cells.

This 3D model, though, helps to break down that barrier and ensure that it can be understood in full if needed. The researchers have developed the matrix to ensure that it can, as closely as is possible, mimic the physical and bio-molecular features of the tumors that exist within cancer patients.

This might help us to finally understand more about the cancers, and also in time improve the quality of clinical trialing. The hope is that by understanding the process, we can make more efficient and effective drugs that can make the quest of killing off the cancer without detrimentally damaging the body elsewhere possible.

While there are many more hurdles to overcome before this could become a mainstream ally for cancer understanding, this 3D tumor model is one of the best of its kind and offers an interesting insight into just how challenging it can be to overcome this dangerous, damaging condition.




 Posted by at 3:20 pm

Robots Take Over Coronavirus Care

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Apr 052020

With the 2020 Coronavirus now a clear issue for the whole world to face, it’s time that the globe took action together. One of the biggest challenges with the infection is that it seems to be hitting medical staff quite heavily, meaning that front line medical staff who are needed to end this situation, are falling ill from it. Finding trained staff who can do the job, though, isn’t easy. That’s why a smart hospital in Wuhan, China, has started to use robots to help make sure that medical staff aren’t under so much risk.

Hospital Robot

These robots are being used for everything from delivery of medication to checking the vitals of a patient. They can also step in and carry out some key factors like disinfecting the facility and even keeping patients who are in quarantine in high spirits. Robots were able to take over the majority of the running of basic features like this so that exhausted medical staff could get a chance to get some sleep.

As you enter this hospital, a 5G-powered temperature measurement device will check anyone for symptoms. Robots also worked checking on things like heart rates, blood oxygen levels, and various other factors by using smart bracelets and rings. They were able to also deliver mediation to the people who were ill, take patients on important physical exercise trips, and even help to give bored quarantine patients a chance to enjoy some comical robo-dancing!

As China has led the way in much of the containment procedures which are gaining popularity in other nations keen to fight back, their use of robotics might also become a major source of inspiration. By working with the Cloud Minds Technology team in Beijing, these solutions look like they could make a huge difference to everyone.

The bots were donated to the hospital for their usage, making sure that they could be used to help improve the structure in China Mobile and Wuhan Wuchang Hospitals, respectively. Medical staff were given a chance to try and get some rest, using remote management tools to help get the robots to do what they need. It’s innovations like this that might pull the country out of what looks like it could have been a years-long disaster.

With 12 sets of robots and various smart devices all working in tandem, it’s been possible for Wuhan to help manage and contain the condition breaking out. They have even been able to close down some of the temporary hospitals in Wuhan, which has helped to minimise the risk of the virus spreading.

Robots, though, could be the hidden solution to the staff shortage that is causing so many problems across Europe and America. With frontline medical staff often overwhelmed, this could offer a proven solution to bring an end to the problem and help staff recover and get some energy back.

The robots will also remain on standby should they be needed to spring into action once again.



 Posted by at 8:26 am