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NY Mets Using Virtual Reality to Compete

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Jul 212019
New York Mets Batter

For years, sports teams have been building a better plan to become more competitive and to stay ahead of their opponents. However, one form of tech that has become more and more important in the world of sport is to make the use of virtual reality (VR).

This has become a major form of sports analysis, giving players and coaching staff the chance to rebuild their skills, focus on their strengths, and hide their weaknesses. This is not just for any old team, though; it’s even for major sporting institutions such as the New York Mets.

Baseball is a sport that is all about analysis and being able to use numbers to learn more about the opposition. It’s also about improving accuracy and ensuring that shots become more powerful, misses less prevalent, and catches more likely to result in success and to put the opponent out. That is why the Mets are now using virtual reality to try and make sure that they can continue to compete at the top of the sporting calendar.

Indeed, thanks to the Meta, we can now see a team that is able to use VR to help improve their game in so many ways. This has become something that is getting spoken about all the time in sport, with major sporting teams in basketball, soccer, and other major worldwide sports starting to use the power of VR to help amplify their teaching and coaching to produce better results on the field.

Using VR to improve accuracy in every shot

As part of their new daily routine, the Mets have taken to using VR to try and improve their hitting accuracy. This new hitting tool is making sure that the players are able to play and train to the best of their ability, giving players all the help that they need to ensure that they always have the right kind of coaching there – even when coaches are working on other stuff.

By always having a reference like this to fall back on, players can pick up valuable information about what they are doing wrong so that they can keep on self-developing. It’s going to be thanks to tools like this that teams like the Mets can continue to push for sporting excellence. As we continue to see sports combine ever more with technology, the addition of tools like this into the bargain is only likely to result in even more impressive sporting performances from the very best in the business.

So, what’s next – golfing, tennis or coming to a Wii near you?

 Posted by at 8:14 am

What’s Next for Augmented Reality?

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Jun 152019
Augmented Reality in Sports

As one of the most commonly discussed forms of technology out there, Augmented Reality (AR) has become a technology many people love to use. It has become a major part of the world of virtual technology and is being used for various purposes: mostly entertainment and commercial purposes. However, despite huge potential, it’s fair to say that AR has not had the same kind of breakthrough impact that was suggested by some experts. That, though, could be on the verge of changing in the near future.

With various new AR models arriving, the potential and power of the system is about to take a step in the right direction. Often seen as an impressive gimmick whilst being limited in functional capacity, AR hardware is becoming more and more impressive. At the recent Viva Technology conference in Paris, there was a significant upturn in the amount of AR-themed projects which were on the go. More importantly, crowds seemed to be very much drawn to the AR stands, showing an appetite for it very much exists.

A change in AR interest?

One of the main problems with AR was competing with VR in many ways. While they are very much different projects with differing aims, it was easy to see why some have had a one, not the other, kind of mentality. However, the new ESPN conjunction with Second Spectrum to create real-time AR graphics for the Western Conference Finals was a huge step forward in advertising.

Now, users can look at metrics and features that would never have been possible or available without the improvement and addition of AR. We could be about to see a major breakthrough in the AR industry, then, as it begins to become more common and mainstream in the sporting industry. Given how much sport ties into other tech industries growth with the public, this could be another fine example of this taking place.

AR is about to change significantly, with many major AR-related companies looking to drive forward and make the most of this growth in their market. With AR interest probably as high as it has ever been, it’s easy to see why a lot of people are interested in seeing what this all-important next step is going to be for the industry.

At the moment, most see AR as stuff like video games and real estate house showings. It has far more potential than this, though; the secret is showing the public that full potential. In fact, many believe that this has been the biggest problem with AR; a lack of a solid message. These new tools, though, as well as an increase in the release of AR-compatible devices, could see a comprehensive change in the way that we see this technological advancement used.

For many, it was a bit of a chocolate teapot: not offering much to the wider populace. That now might just be about to change, and for the better.

 Posted by at 6:19 pm

Could Virtual Reality Help Children with ADHD?

 Education Technology, Future Medical Technology, Virtual Reality  Comments Off on Could Virtual Reality Help Children with ADHD?
May 262019
boy virtual reality headset

For many parents, helping your child who suffers from ADHD can feel quite exhausting. Today, there are many classes and solutions developed purely with the idea of helping your children cope with their condition. Sometimes, though, the options might just not feel diverse enough. One option that is being developed at the moment, though, is the use of virtual reality for ADHD children.

Virtual reality has quietly exploded as the next form of entertainment – a transformative means of interacting with the things we enjoy. A new study by the UC David Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Institute, though, shows promise that VR could be used to help ADHD sufferers.

This is going to help children suffering from the disorder to minimise distraction, according to their latest press release. The research lead on the study at the MIND Institute, Dr. Julie Schweitzer, said: “I was talking to a parent who told me when she was in law school studying for the bar she was studying in noisy cafes,

“Eventually, she learned to block out everything around her. But now she wishes her son could learn to do the same.”

The aim is to help use VR to give children an easier time practicing on focusing on objects of importance. It would not involve clinical treatment, and it would be something that could be used in real-life situations. Part of the challenge with ADHD can come from helping children to focus on situations. With VR, the level of realism in the situations they’ll be focusing on can feel that bit more immersive.

The purpose of the study

The aim of the research, then, is quite simple. They will send each participant home with a VR headset, that is programmed to use a 25-minute training session per day. It would put them in a location where there are distractions that they need to overcome. The logic, then, is that the children will become more used to distractions that could otherwise snap their focus.

Now, when they are in a real brick and mortar classroom, they should already be used to distraction. This should help them to become much more alert to the matter at hand: the actual lesson. This could cut down on distraction and maintain a higher level of day-to-day focus in the children. During the training, they’ll be given a classroom-like environment, and go through an exposure therapy session. It’s built upon the same ideals where VR has been used to help those with anxiety, and could offer much of the same benefits to ADHD children.

The researchers will be able to help children to become more focused and increase their score, reducing the likelihood that they will become distracted during lessons. For parents who worry about their children not taking in enough during education, then, this could be the development that you desire.

Until more detail is released from the finding of the studies, though, at the moment this is just a theory. It will, though, be very interesting to see the results of the study when they are finally released.

 Posted by at 11:24 am