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Neuromorphic Computing into the Future

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Jan 142021

Neuromorphic Computing

For years, computing has been a rapidly upward trajectory. With the advent of new technology and tools, we often see innovations arriving at breakneck speed. So much so that it can be tough to keep up with the latest and greatest developments to take place within the industry in the last few years. That is why the development of a platform known as neuromorphic computing has become such an intriguing discussion point. If you have never heard of neuromorphic computing, now is the time to change that.

This immensely powerful form of computing has become a very important part of the long-term future of the computing industry as a whole. And some experts believe it will play a transformational role in the development of both hardware and software solutions. Neuromorphic computing is based on the concept of making a computer that can follow a brain-like pattern of thought and development. The brain offers a wonderful starting point for us when it comes to coming up with computing models that can mimic our own bodies and our own choices.

However, the other benefit of neuromorphic computing is that it intends to drastically cut down the energy consumption needed. Today, we can find that our brains would need a fraction of the energy supply needed by a major supercomputer such as the one developed by Fugaku. It might also help us to ensure that things like cooling conditions can be much more readily put in place.

Neurotmorphic computing: what will it do?

The hope is that the development of such a computing system would allow us to take computing to the next level. Today, just about all computing hardware is based on a von Neumann chipset architecture. This can become confusing and it can become quite consistent for wasting time and memory. As such, we need to find solutions that use less energy and waste less resources.

The modern architectures that we use today are beginning to reach a point of maximisation, whereby we need something even better before we can keep progressing. That is what the hope of neuromorphic computing brings: the hope that we can create systems which utilise parallel computing as opposed to serial computing. This will ensure that we can not only create more fault-tolerant computing systems, but we can ensure that we have a system that is less demanding in terms of the resources needed to simply operate.

By giving us a chance to keep on boosting computing power without having to compromise on cost, neuromorphic computing might just be the future solution that we have all been waiting for. When utilised in the right way, this could be the best tool on the market for making computing stronger, more satisfying, and generally more likely to deliver results.

If you are wondering why the cost of computing is so eye-watering, it comes down to how far we are pushing present architecture and hardware. Should neuromorphic computing make it to the promised land, though, it could help to remove almost all constraints.


 Posted by at 7:43 am

Flying Cars Begin Mainstreaming

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Dec 082020

Red Flying Car

For many years, movies and cartoons have shown us the comical potential of technology. From fridges that make food for us to flying cars, we have seen just about every idea taken to its logical conclusion. However, these shows and these themes tend to be a big inspiration for the real technology world – and this includes the (in)famous flying cars of TV shows like The Jetsons and so many other more serious forms of fiction. As insane as the idea might sound to some, it is likely that even if you are in your advanced years in life you are going to see the true birth of the flying car.

Flying cars have been worked on slowly for years, but progress in the last few years have been quite staggering. The concept itself might still sound alien to many people who are not too invested in technology, but the truth is that the development of the flying car has been a process that is decades in the making. And now they could be the ideal solution to helping us deal with things like expensive, time-consuming commutes to and from work.

The improvement of various parts of the challenge involved in creating flying vehicles means that the future is very much here. While it might not look like the flying cars of popular fiction like Blade Runner or Star Wars, they are very much a realistic prospect that you should see come into reality in the next few years.

From the Wild West to the modern world

At the moment, it would be fair to say that the industry in charge of making flying cars a reality is still a bit wild. Much like the drone market, regulation and rules are very much still being developed. This means that companies are working double-time to be the first developer of things like air taxis and flying bikes. Venture capitalists have been funding the industry for years now, hoping to make the all-important breakthrough needed.

Indeed, the expectation is that we’ll begin to see major transport and aviation firms get involved in the industry as they begin to realise that flying cars have moved far, far beyond the period of being a fad or an expensive dream. Indeed, many expect the industry to be worth north of $1tn come the 2040s. And given our need to find ethical and affordable means of travel that won’t strangle the environment, this could become the next technology breakthrough that changes the world.

And while it might sound crazy to you, think about the changes that have taken place since the turn of the century. Go back to the 1980s, and look at how many forms of technology used today were seen as products of fiction. Flying cars were once given the same scepticism by the public and the scientific community, but now look like they could be with us sooner than ever before.

And with the potential to rewrite the rules of transport, everything could change for humanity much quicker than even the most optimistic expert could predict.


 Posted by at 3:23 pm

3D Tumor Model for Ovarian Cancer Treatment

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Nov 062020

Ovarian Cancer

Cancer is, without doubt, the single most challenging enemy in modern healthcare. It demands resources and treatments that simply do not exist yet; meaning many lives are ended prematurely due to the development of this horrific illness. However, the use of two-dimensional (2D) culture models has always limited the ability to really develop the complex information needed to finally take on and defeat cancer once and for all. The development of multi-cellular 3D models, though, might help us to understand the tumors and their impacts more than ever.

As part of a new study released by the Queen Mary University London shows that this new 3D development could be essential in the development of treatments. The micro-environment developed shows the way that the tumor cells are grown in an ovarian cancer, in particular, and how it also responds to the drugs used in chemotherapy treatments.

Thanks to the work carried out in their study, “Peptide-protein co-assembling matrices as a biomimetic 3D model of ovarian cancer,”, we now know more about this process than ever before. The process is being managed by Alvaro Mata, PhD, a professor at the University of Nottingham’s School of Pharmacy.

So far, they have found that 90% of successful cancer treatments which are tested will pre-clinically fail in the early phases of a clinical trial. Just 5% of oncology drugs will be successful in a clinical trial, also. This comes down to various reasons, but one key reason given is that 2D cell cultures cannot replicate the various cross-communication taking place among cells.

This 3D model, though, helps to break down that barrier and ensure that it can be understood in full if needed. The researchers have developed the matrix to ensure that it can, as closely as is possible, mimic the physical and bio-molecular features of the tumors that exist within cancer patients.

This might help us to finally understand more about the cancers, and also in time improve the quality of clinical trialing. The hope is that by understanding the process, we can make more efficient and effective drugs that can make the quest of killing off the cancer without detrimentally damaging the body elsewhere possible.

While there are many more hurdles to overcome before this could become a mainstream ally for cancer understanding, this 3D tumor model is one of the best of its kind and offers an interesting insight into just how challenging it can be to overcome this dangerous, damaging condition.




 Posted by at 3:20 pm