First of all, let me say, i am immigrant. I come from country with not freedom. When I come to America i see fortune all around. Oprah, Beverly Hills, Donald Trump and i like cheeseburgers, too. But, let me get to point.
I have knack for closing eyes, getting visions, talking about these visions and they come true. I am especially accurate when it come to future technology. You could say i am future teller. I tell future of great things happening. No Rapture, No 2012 catastrophe. What is dis?
Dis is where they wash the hogs or hogswash i hear someone say. No, when I close eyes, i see the past that i have predicted so accurately. Russian cosmonauts in space. I predicted this years before reality. The Internet was my idea, not Al Gore’s and not DARPA. Please.

Solar Concept
Yes, global warming real. Ice shelves melting. Dis future teller says there will be some worldwide calamities like tsunami which just happened in Japan that will be wakeup call for rest of us. Carbon and fossil fuel will be replaced by cheap renewable energy. Cheap solar right around corner.
When i close eyes and dis future teller looks into crystal ball powered by next generation Pentium chip i see individuals with more power than ever before. Energy will be created at home. There will be home fueling stations. Food will quickly and easily be grown both inside and outside homes.
Government decentralized. Big companies, decentralized. Much more power, wealth and technology will be at local level. Think globally, act locally will get off bumper stickers and into our neighborhoods.
Yes, there will be future wars. Mankind is so immature. Science and technology go faster than our spiritual or emotional maturity. Flying cars, of course. In my country, pigs will fly too, ha ha ha!
No, me be serious for second. There are many prophets and fortune tellers who say India, Pakistan and China will rise to world power and dominate U. S. But this no true. With Internet and services like Facebook and Twitter, this will help organize and democratize world.
China and North Korea will fall under the global weight of people talking and revolting. In regard to technology dis future teller predicts not only trips within low earth orbit for tourists within next 3 years but trips to moon within 15 years. Trips to Mars are only 30 year away, so this is what I see and tell.

There will be future wars, but no with nuclear bombs. Future wars will be more localized and precise using laser weapons, advanced intelligence gathering using spy satellites and planes and more robotic, clone and cyborg soldiers. But doomsday will never come. It never has.
When I jump off boat, I was part of 4G network. In my country we still use tin cans and string to talk. But, in 2 years, 5G network will be out. This is variation of Moore’s Law. Not Gordon Moore, but Roger Moore (double nyet 7). In 2 years, 5G network be all over Flint, Michigan where that other Moore guy be from.
As far as the rest of 2011, economy come back because Tech sector strong like bull once again. Because of future medical technology in 10 year, at least 10-percent of U. S. humans be made up of titanium, carbon fiber and other synthetic parts.
Dis all for now. Me go eat ham sandwich.